

成人英语培训 > 新闻聚焦 >


发布时间:2017-09-19 18:11 来源:未知 作者:满
  1.To decide whether to“leave”or“try harder”.决定是要“离开”还是要“更加努力”
  2.Quit a good money job to pursue one's dreams.辞掉高薪的工作去追求的梦想
  3.Apologize to people you have hurt.向你曾伤害过的人道歉
  4.Admit your own mistakes.承认自己的错误
  5.Staying positive when you have lost everything you ever had.当你失去曾经拥有过的一切时,依然乐观向上
  6.Living away from family.离家
  7.Bouncing back when you have hit rock bottom.当你坠入人生低谷时重新振作
  8.Making others smile when you haven't smiled for ages.让一个很久没有笑过的人笑出来
  9.Keeping a low profile despite being extremely knowledgeable about his/her profession.尽管在自己专业相关领域知识非常渊博,却仍能保持低调
  10.Attending a loved one’s funeral.出席所爱之人的葬礼
  Of course,when you experience any of these things,you should remember in fact,there are just the two fundamental things in your heart,persevering or letting go.
  finally,if you ask me is there anything more difficult than them?I would tell you one thing is ultimately hard,knowing when to do and knowing what to do.


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