

成人英语培训 > 新闻聚焦 >


发布时间:2017-09-19 18:23 来源:未知 作者:满
  Her hair was relatively short,just reaching this point.她的头发挺短的,到这儿这么长
  She was fashionable at that time,always getting her hair permed.她那时候很时尚,总喜欢烫头
  The end of her brows point a little bit downward.她的眉尾有一点点向下
  She has thin eyebrows,and slightly curved.她的眉毛细细的,弯弯的
  Her eyebrows are as bushy as mine.她的眉毛跟我一样粗
  Her eyes are narrow and long.她的眼睛是细长
  She has big and round eyes.她的眼睛又大又圆
  Her eyes really can speak when she smiles.她的眼睛笑起来很有故事
  Her nose looks really good.她的鼻子很好看
  Her nose is delicate.她的鼻子很精致
  She has really sweet smile with white teeth.她笑起来很甜牙齿很白
  She has a mole here.她这里有一颗痣
  She has an oval face.(long/round/square)她是鹅蛋脸(长脸,圆脸,方脸)
  Her chin is more pointed than mine.她的下巴比我尖一点
  一名肖像画师A portraitist
  做了一件很有趣的事情He did something interesting.
  邀请了几位志愿者He invited several volunteers
  根据他们的描述,According to their description
  来绘制出他们妈妈年轻时的画像.To paint portraits of their mothers at young age.
  你有多久没有回家看过父母了?How long since you've been back home?
  你有多久没有给父母打过电话了?How long since you called your parents?
  你还记得他们的生日吗?Do you still remember their birthday?
  你还记得他们的喜好吗?Do you still remember what they like?
  你还记得他们的模样吗?Do you still remember what they look like?
  陪伴是最朴实的爱.Keep someone company is the most simple love.
  请用多一点的时间去陪伴他们.Please spend more time with them.
  他们已渐渐变老。They're getting older.


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