

成人英语培训 > 新闻聚焦 >


发布时间:2017-09-19 18:22 来源:未知 作者:满
  Record your expenses记录一切开销
  The first step in saving money is to know how much you’re spending.For one month,keep a record of everything you spend.That means every coffee,every newspaper and every snack you purchase for the entire month.Once you have your data,organize these numbers by category—for example,gas,groceries,mortgage and so on—and get the total amount for each.
  Make a budget做预算
  Now that you have a good idea of what you spend in a month,you can build a budget to plan your spending,limit over-spending and make sure that you put money away in an emergency savings fund.
  Plan on saving money做一个存钱计划
  Taking into consideration your monthly expenses and earnings,create a savings category within your budget and try to make it at least 10-15 percent of your net income.If your expenses won't let you save that much,it might be time to cut back.Look for non-essentials that you can spend less on—for example,entertainment and dining out—before thinking about saving money on essentials such as your vehicle or home.


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