

成人英语培训 > 新闻聚焦 >


发布时间:2017-09-19 18:22 来源:未知 作者:满
  I think the internet now is more interested in seeing the door actually being open.Be sure to video it and post it online again,thanks!我认为现在网上人们对打开这扇门很是感兴趣。记得要录个小视频然后发到网上,谢谢!(看热闹不嫌事儿大的吃瓜群众...)
  Flood the house,then open the cupboard without any risk!把房间注满水,然后就可以毫不冒险地打开橱柜了。(思路渐渐跑偏)
  Open a bottle of wine>Have a drink>Wait for a husband to come home.Start a random argument out of nothing>Go to the kitchen.open the door and let it smash>blame it on the husband-he'll apologize and buy a whole new set of plates.打开一瓶红酒>小酌一下>等待你老公回家,随便找一个话题什么都不因为就吵一架。>走进厨房,打开橱柜的门看着他们变得稀碎。>把这件事责怪到你老公头上——他会和你道歉然后去买一整套新的。(真是个好主意)
  Sell it to the museum and name it the"Frozen in Time"series.把它卖给博物馆,命名为“冻结时间”系列。(厉害了)
  Go to the Cupboard Menu and click Restore找到橱柜的菜单,然后点击另存为。(思路彻底跑偏)
  Take a picture of it and ask to people on the internet给它拍张照片,然后发到网上问问大家。(在线等,挺急的)
  Try ctrl+Z...this will work按下ctrl+Z(撤销键)...就好了(来自编辑的处理办法)
  Define the plates to be unbreakable.Open the door savely.把它定义成不可打碎的,就可以安全打开门了。(来自理论家的处理办法)
  Buy a lot of glue suitable for ceramics.Open the door quickly.Have fun for hours!为这些盘子可以买很多胶水。迅速地打开门。然后你就可以开心地玩很多个小时啦!(来自拼图爱好者的处理办法)
  Photoshop the image as to how it was before this happened and print out the image and stick it in the glass把它从前的样子PS出来,然后打印这张图片,贴在玻璃上。(来自PS高手的处理办法)
  Fly with the cupboard into outer space.Open it safely.Then go back.把这个橱柜送上外太空。安全地打开。然后回来。(为了个柜子再上个天!)


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